My story
Embroidery, for me, was a childhood hobby, to pass time during our summer vacations. My inspiration was a set of cushion covers my mother had embroidered with flowers stitched in Long-and-Short stitch. I was intrigued by how various shades of threads came together to make such beautiful, life-like flowers. I myself dabbled with basic embroidery stitches, but spent a lot more time doing crochet and tatting.
Although I completely lost touch with embroidery during my college years, I regained my interest in it, when I came across a wonderful book called ‘The Art of Crewel Embroidery’, by Mildred J. Davis, during a short holiday in the USA. I was blown away by the vibrancy and elegance of crewel embroidery. I then studied several books by Trish Burr, Hazel Blomkamp, Carol Andrews and was (still am) an ardent follower of Mary Corbett’s blog. These wonderful artists were my “gurus”, and, when in doubt, I still turn to their books or websites for directions. Added to these is a magazine, arguably the world’s most beautiful one, called Inspirations. True to its name, each issue never fails to teach and inspire. Embroidery is now an ardent passion, and I am at a stage in life, where I’m inclined to follow my heart’s calling!
This website chronicles my embroidery journey, with snapshots of my past work, ongoing projects and plans for the future.
Just as one lit lamp can light several others, I would, with all humility, like to share my knowledge with other embroidery enthusiasts. Hence, this website has an online store section, where I have created downloadable instructions for projects.
I wish you all the best with your embroidery journey, and seek your support in mine!
-Madhulika Desai